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The Best Dialer for HubSpot - Calling within Hubspot, or a parallel dialer?

What's the best tool for cold-calling with Hubspot?

HubSpot is a great one-stop-shop for scaling sales teams; its CRM is complex but user-friendly, its sequencer is on par with tools like Salesloft and Outreach, and its ecosystem for custom integration makes it limitlessly extensible.

One of its glaring blind spots, though, is its lack of a native dialer. While HubSpot has click-to-call functionality from lead profiles, its design is geared more towards one-off calls, and makes it a pain to dial through lists of leads efficiently.

Most teams turn to third-party dialers to empower their HubSpot-based salesfloors. With dozens of dialers on the market, though, which one is the right choice for teams who run their operations on HubSpot?

HubSpot's Dialer vs. Third-Party Dialers

Before we hop into choosing the right dialer for Hubspot, let's first assess whether a third-party dialer is necessary for you. HubSpot offers two ways to dial: the built-in "Click-to-Call" feature and integrating with a third-party dialer. Let's break down each option:


  • Integration: Seamlessly woven into your Hubspot workflows, accessible directly from contact profiles.

  • Cost: Included in Sales Hub and Service Hub paid plans.

  • Features: Basic call logging, voicemail recording, and call notes.

  • Power: Lacks advanced features like parallel dialing, automated call distribution, and AI-powered voice recognition.

  • Best for: Teams making occasional calls who prioritize convenience and integration over high call volume and efficiency.

Third-Party Dialers:

  • Integration: Requires additional setup and may not be as tight as the native Click-to-Call.

  • Cost: Varies depending on the chosen dialer.

  • Features: A plethora of options! Expect parallel dialing, call queuing, auto-dialing, human detection, and analytics galore.

  • Power: Unleashes the full potential of cold calling with automation and efficiency tools.

  • Best for: Sales teams with aggressive dialing quotas, large lead lists, and a need for maximum call connects.

Choosing Your Weapon:

Ultimately, the choice boils down to your calling needs and preferences. If convenience and a basic call experience suffice, Click-to-Call is a solid choice. But for teams looking to conquer call mountains, a dedicated third-party dialer might be the missing piece in your HubSpot arsenal.

What to look for in a third-party HubSpot dialer

At this point, you're either sold on using a third-party dialer with HubSpot, or you're not hitting enough call volume to justify the investment. With so many dialers out there, though, how can you narrow down the search?

First thing's first — what type of dialer are you looking for? I'd recommend checking out our article on the different types of dialers to get a sense of which one would boost your team's performance the most. If you're processing a high volume of leads and your reps' time is the main bottleneck for getting more meetings, a parallel dialer is a worthwhile investment that'll give you instant results.

When evaluating a parallel dialer to use with HubSpot, there are a few important points to consider:

  • Depth of Integration: How natively will the dialer work with HubSpot? Table-stakes features include importing lists, syncing dispositions, and writing back call tasks. Some nice-to-haves worth thinking about are time-zone filtering, custom field imports, and HubSpot sequence support.

  • Spam Protection: virtually every dialer procures its numbers from the same few digital telephony providers. Most of these numbers, though, show up as Spam Likely the second they're purchased. Furthermore, parallel dialing can hurt a number's reputation quickly, especially if the number rotation logic isn't robust. It's important to ensure that you're using a dialer that alerts you to spam issues with your numbers and remediates those issues so you're not losing out on connects.

  • Human Detection Speed: The cornerstone of the parallel dialer is its ability to detect when a human has picked up the phone, as opposed to an IVR or a voicemail inbox. Delays in human detection can at best lead to an awkward opener, and at worst lead to premature hangups and lose you hot leads. When deciding on a parallel dialer, try calling yourself & coworkers to measure the latency, and listen to recordings of past calls to hear how long it took for you to get patched in.

  • Cost: Parallel dialing is expensive to run; dialing multiple numbers in parallel and attaching AI listeners leads to additional costs for the dialer, which in turn means a higher price compared to normal power dialers. If a parallel dialer is a good fit for your time, the cost is almost always recouped multiple times over by the additional meetings you'll generate. That being said, it's important to compare costs across providers, as they can vary dramatically.

  • Overall efficiency: The point of dialing isn't making calls; it's booking meetings. A powerful dialer will maximize connect rate by remediating spam issues and minimizing delay pre-pickup, while also optimizing its UI/UX and integrations to help salespeople get through tasks as quickly as possible.

The verdict

That's a lot of information, but what should your team do?

For starters, if you're regularly making calls in HubSpot, you need a third-party dialer. HubSpot's click-to-connect quickly becomes unwieldy if you're trying to make outbound calling a core part of pipeline generation.

Once you've settled on getting a third-party dialer, I'd recommend reading our article to decide which type of dialer is most useful for you. A good rule-of-thumb is that if each rep is doing fewer than 50 dials per day, a normal power dialer may be enough. Furthermore, if your team is dialing corporate numbers, dial trees, or small business numbers, then a parallel dialer will likely end up just as efficient as an ordinary power dialer.

In almost every other case, though, a parallel dialer is probably the choice for your team, and I'd recommend following the criteria above when making your decision.

While I'll try to remain unbiased here (and I do recommend that you look into all of your options), the Elto team has worked hard to make an unbeatable product on all of those axes.

  • Depth of Integration: Elto's HubSpot integration is comprehensive, and includes every one of the quality-of-life features listed. Have something unique to your workflow that you'd like to see supported? The Elto team can usually handle one-off feature requests within 24-48 hours, even during trials.

  • Spam Protection: Elto SpamCheck detects whether outbound numbers are registering as Spam Likely on prospects' phones with a single click. Furthermore, the Elto team remediates all problematic numbers by registering them under your business's name with carrier registries within 24 hours.

  • Human Detection Speed: EltoAMD2 is the fastest human voice detection model on the planet. Trained on hundreds of thousands of call recordings, it can often detect humans before they've even spoken, ensuring that you never start off on the wrong foot because of your dialer.

  • Cost: Elto's custom logic and blend of telephony providers enables us to shave some of the cost off of parallel dialing, which we then pass onto you. We have the most affordable full-featured parallel dialer on the market, bar none; if you pass us an official quote from another one that's competitive, we're happy to compete.

  • Overall efficiency: Our numbers speak for themselves. Most customers are able to generate multiple meetings during their trial alone, and we're constantly improving the product to increase booked meetings for our customers.

Want to give Elto a try? Get started on our free 7-day trial here, and learn why dozens of HubSpot sales teams turn to Elto to power their outbound calling efforts.

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Crush quota this quarter with Elto.

© Copyright Monoid, Inc. DBA Elto 2023, All Rights Reserved

Crush quota this quarter with Elto.

© Copyright Monoid, Inc. DBA Elto 2023, All Rights Reserved